湖北龙泰百川栅栏工程有限公司是一家生产各种金属丝网、筛网及大型桥梁、公路、铁路护栏、防护网系列!是生产销售为一体的大型企业公司。具有三十多年的生产历史,我公司自建立以来不断引进先进的生产技术设备,改善管理方式,所生产的丝网产品采用优质原材料,科学检测。   公司主要产品有:高速公路护栏网,铁路防护网,桥梁防眩网,小区围栏,体育运动场围网,监狱机场围栏,园林绿化围栏,市政护栏,养殖畜牧业围栏,厂区护栏、车间仓库隔离围栏、围墙护栏网、不锈钢丝网、铜丝网、PVC涂料网、护栏网、镍丝网、矿筛网、轧花网、六角网、钢板网、勾花网、席型网、刀片刺绳、遮阳网、方孔网、圆孔网、钢格板网、塑料平网、黑丝布、无纺布、尼龙网、音箱网、窗纱系列。电焊网、网片、海水网箱、金属网衣、温室设备专用网、边坡挂网、输送网带、烧烤网、气液过滤网、工业滤网 、空调专用网、建筑安全网、防盗美格网、养殖系列网、踏尘网、等等。   湖北龙泰百川栅栏工程有限公司坚守“以市场为导向,凭质量求生存”的经营理念,以“使用户满意”为经营准则,根据客户的需求量身定做,我们坦言:我们不是,但我们殚精竭虑,不断追求善美与时俱进,不断完善自我。同广大客户一起携手发展,共同迎接新世纪的机遇和挑战,共创辉煌的明天!


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    Our website has opened!

    Our main business "栅栏;护栏;公路护栏;铁路护栏;小区护栏网;养殖护栏网;体育场护栏网;机场护栏网;铁丝网围栏;果园围栏网;车间隔离网;厂区护栏网" and other products. Company respected "practical, hard work, responsibility spirit of enterprise, and to integrity, win-win, creating business ideas, to create a good business environment, with a new management model, perfect technology, attentive service, excellent quality of basic survival, we always adhere to customer first intentions to serve customers, persist in using their services to impress clients.

    welcome new and old customers to visit our company guidance, my company specific address is: 湖北武汉市青山区化工业区八吉府街工业港村杜家井40--6.

    If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can give us a message, or contact us directly, we will receive your information, will be the first time in a timely manner contact with you, we sincerely hope to cooperate with all friends, future hand in hand, sharing successful results!

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  • 王丽
  • 13871118503
  • 027-86588810
  • 027-86588810
  • www.hbltbc.com
  • 430082
  • 湖北武汉市青山区化工业区八吉府街工业港村杜家井40--6